Stoma Heroes has teamed up with Kindred Box, a charitable organization in the United States, to help ostomates in America who need ostomy supplies. To support their efforts, we will be collecting donations and sending supplies to Kindred Box throughout the year.
Why do people in America need help with ostomy supplies?
Unlike the UK where health care and ostomy supplies are free of charge, most people in the USA pay out-of-pocket for health insurance. If they cannot afford insurance, then ostomy supplies must be paid out-of-pocket. This expense can add up to hundreds of dollars each month, sometimes thousands. But even when ostomates have insurance, sometimes ostomy supplies are not covered, or the amount allowed is very low.
Thankfully there are many people just like you, with excess supplies who want to donate.
Over the next few weeks we will be putting the final pieces into place to start this process, there is certain criteria that needs to be met regarding supplies and this information will be posted in GET INVOLVED menu on the website, if you need to get rid of any excess or unwanted items please could you email us with your items first.
alternatively, we are going to try and raise some money to help with this process so if you feel you could help in this way please donate through the website or the charity aid foundation also if you feel you could help in another way please contact us.
I will update in due course the date this will all start.
Kind regards
Stoma heroes team