Two Piece System

In a two-piece system, the ostomy pouch and skin barrier are separate items.

The skin Barrier (wafer, back plate) is fitted first then the pouch (bag) is fitted to the landing area of the wafer. The method of attachment to the wafer varies between manufacturers – one method being press-on/click “Tupperware” type fitting, and the recently introduced “sticky” adhesive mounts.

The two-piece arrangement allows pouches to be exchanged without removing the wafer; for example, some people prefer to temporarily switch to a “mini-pouch” for swimming, intimate and other short-term activities. Mini pouches are suitable for minimum usage only.

Parts of a two-piece system

  • Pouch — bag that collects stool or urine
  • Skin barrier — adhesive part that fits around the stoma to protect the skin. (Some skin barriers include a tape border to help hold the barrier in place.)
  • Flange — plastic ring on both the pouch and skin barrier that provides a secure attachment. To work, both flanges must be the same size and be from the same product family.

Pros of a two-piece system.

The pouch can be removed without removing the skin barrier causing less irritation to abdominal skin. Easy to change pouch for activities. Longer wear time for the wafer. The stoma can be seen while fixing the back plate

Cons of a two-piece system.

Can be bulkier than the one-piece system. Two possible areas for leakage Two-piece systems are available with either Closed or Drainable bags.

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A colostomy is an operation to divert one end of the colon through an opening in the tummy.


An ileostomy is where the small bowel is diverted through an opening in the tummy (abdomen).


It is a surgical procedure which diverts the normal flow of urine from the kidneys and ureters into a surgically created stoma.

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