You will normally be admitted the day before your operation. On admission you will be assigned a bed on the surgical ward and asked some routine questions about your general health, the medicines you already take and any allergies you may have.
This will then be followed by visits from some or all the following People / Departments. If you have had a Pre-Op assessment some of this will have already been done.
A member of the medical team responsible for your care will explain your operation in more detail and tell you about any risks involved in the procedure. When they have explained these to you, you will then be asked to sign an operation consent form to allow them to proceed with the operation.
The stoma nurse will give you an information leaflet explaining about your Stoma and then answer any questions or concerns that you may have. She will then mark your abdomen below your normal clothing waistband; this will be where the stoma is sited so that it is not irritated by your clothing.
Your anaesthetist will explain the anaesthesia that will be used during and after your operation. Your operation will be carried out under general anaesthetic, which means you will be asleep throughout the whole operation.
They will also discuss the options of pain relief available following your operation and explain any risks involved in the anaesthesia.
It is important to remember that you never need experience severe pain and should inform your nurse in the unlikely event of this happening who can get more pain killers prescribed for you.
The (ECG) department may come and take a heart trace (ECG), this would normally be ordered by your anaesthetist and is quite a normal precaution.
The Phlebotomy department may come and take some blood samples, this is normal before any operation.
You will be asked not to eat anything, chew or smoke for at least 6 hours prior to your Operation; you should have nothing to drink for 3 hours before surgery. They will inform you of the scheduled time of your operation, and a sign will be put on your bed stating, “Nil by Mouth”.
You may also be asked to have an enema during this time just to help clear out your bowel prior to the surgery; this would be done by one of the ward nurses.
During this time, you should take the opportunity to have a shower and you will be given a theatre gown to wear.
If you are particularly hairy in the area where the surgery will take place, the nursing staff will shave you using specialised clippers (to not damage the area before your operation). Do not shave yourself.