During the first few weeks of having a stoma you may be shocked even embarrassed by the sounds, smells and the amount / consistency of the output from your stoma.
Overtime your digestive system will settle down and you will learn what foods alter the consistency of your output and which foods cause excessive gasses. As everybody reacts differently to different foods, what’s good for one person is not necessarily good for the next person
During recovery from your surgery your appetite should return together with the stoma output normalising you will be able to reintroduce more foods to your diet.
You should include foods from all the following groups to ensure a healthy diet.
If you have lost a great deal of weight fats are an important source of energy, adding oily fish to your diet on a regular basis can ensure a good intake of Omega 3 which is an essential fatty acid.
If you are overweight you should limit your fat intake.
Rich Proteins
- Meat
- Fish
- Eggs
- cheese
- milk
Calcium rich
- Milk
- Cheese
- Yogurts
- can fish sardines, pink salmon
- baked beans
- certain vegetables ie broccoli, cabbage, green & french beans
Starchy Foods
- Bread
- Pasta
- Potatoes
- breakfast cereals
- noodles
- Green bananas
- rice
Fruit and Vegetables
You need to try and eat 5 portions a day and try and choose a good selection of each.
High-Fat Foods
- Olive Oil
- Butter
- Milk
- Oily salad dressings
- Mayonnaise